Technology We Use


The goal was to use Digital Technology to improve Working Practices, Reduce Costs, and ultimately provide Carers with more time to focus on delivering Exceptional Care to their Clients.


Care Rostering And Management

Match Carers to Clients to ensure Compatibility between them as well as Continuity of Care. Our Digital System allows you to allocate carers based on how close they live, or where their other visits are. You can also allocate based on how Compatible a Carer is with a particular Client, and you’ll be alerted to any Carer Client Incompatibilities.


Other multiple factors such as Client requirements, Carer qualifications, travel time between service users and the ability to group visits that are in close proximity means that your rostering will become more streamlined, accurate and efficient for everyone involved.


Carers are instantly notified of any changes, and Clients and their Families are kept in the loop when it comes to visits. Making changes to the roster is quick and easy, saving you valuable time and reducing human errors.


Electronic Visit Records including eMAR


All your Care Visit Data digitised including Attendance Times, Task Management and Medication Administration (eMAR), Visit Notes, Health Observations, Concern, and Incident Notes. This is often referred as Electronic Call Monitoring or ECM.

Improve Care Planning and Delivery, reduce risk of mistakes and easily access evidence of Compliance for Regulatory Requirements.


Enable true Person-Centred care by ensuring absolute accuracy of Record Keeping.

Carer attendance times are accurately recorded by the Carer Companion mobile app recording Check-In and Check-Out times and location via GPS. Alerts for missed and late visits are raised along with alerts when location does not agree with the Clients address or visit durations not within expected tolerances.


Create Detailed Tasks (including Medication) for each visit. These are a Summary of your Care Plan. Carers must comply with what is needed and are required to record how each task has been completed otherwise, Check-Out is not allowed. The system will issue an alert for missed tasks or when certain tasks do not have the expected Completed Statuses.

With a complete and real time Record of the Care delivered to a Client, Agencies, Carers and Family can have Peace of Mind that the required Care is being delivered.


Carers can record Observations such as Blood Glucose and Pressure, Meal and Fluid Intake, Heart Rate, Weight, Catheter Output, Bowel Movements, and Injuries within the Carer Companion app. Many of these Observations can be viewed visually which allows quick trend analysis to be done. Completion Statuses are recorded to enable alerts to be raised. Updates are immediately visible to Managers and assigned Stakeholders within the Care Circle Portal enabling Quick Intervention, if necessary. Soon, Body Map Records will allow some of this data to be recorded visually in different formats.


Carers can record notes and comments in various scenarios. Handover Notes are created to give detail to upcoming Carers so that they have Relevant Information for their visit. Check Out notes give a summary of what happened during a visit so that the Office and Loved Ones from the Care Circle have visibility on what transpired in a visit. Concerns can be raised when recording Task Completions, Observations and Notes, so that Care Managers can take appropriate action. Incidents can also be recorded in a similar way.



Care Circle Portal


Peace of mind about Loved Ones’ Care.

Family and Health Professionals can be given visibility on Medication Administered, Tasks Completed, Observations Recorded and Care Notes detailing visits to Clients, improving Transparency and Trust between You, your Clients and their Families.


Key Stakeholders such as GPs and Social Care Workers can be given access to comprehensive information about Clients including Contact Information, Next of Kin Details, Medical History, Visit Details, Prescribed Medication, Observations and more. Control who sees what information by assigning roles to different users within the Care Circle Portal.

The Care Circle Portal reduces calls to the office by family and provides them with 24/7 real time Visit Data.


Allow temporary instant access to Blue-Light Emergency Services, to view up-to-date records about a Client’s Care, Observations and Medication, enabling Appropriate Treatment to be administered. Identity and Contact Details are recorded before access is given and Care Circle Members are notified when access is given to allow such access to be revoked if necessary.